With the Rainbow flag being flown at the Civic Centre by Leader and Mayor, it really signifies the belief of the majority of council just how much we support the diverse community but with that are other responsibilities and one of them is to be watchful and pro-active about sexual health.
The council under both Tory and Lil Administrations are making progress and the integrated sexual health programme is taking shape, with an opportunity for member input.
Eventually we all get old and I wonder what we can do for an older LGBT community, can a sheltered unit make provision for older same sex couples? Will we maintain these excellent housing units?
The HIV incidence is too high in Southend. This is too typical of a seaside town, especially one so satellite to London. The aids campaign of the 80's "Don't die of ignorance" may well have been frightening but it saved lives. Surely we need to re-promote this in schools and at civic level?
I have asked that we hold a sexual health summit to profile what more needs to be done in Southend and put this high on my civic agenda.
Cllr Mark Flewitt